martes, mayo 14, 2024

In front of young people in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, President Mauricio Trejo calls on them to make a difference / @MauricioTrejoP @GobMunicipalSMA >>>

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- Based on their preparation and always with respect, the young people of San Miguel de Allende were urged by the municipal president Mauricio Trejo to break the paradigms of their lives in favor of San Miguel de Allende.

In front of more than 2,000 young Sanmiguelenses, the municipal president called on them to become the difference in their environment, participating in the solutions that their surroundings require, proposing new ways to resolve social conflicts and prioritizing respect for others.

During the inauguration of the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) keynote address in alliance with the Organization of American States (OAS), Mauricio Trejo gave a message to the student community of different middle-high and higher education schools, gathered at CBTis 60.

«It is not easy, because breaking paradigms is breaking with the models we are used to, it is doing things in the same way they tell us how they should be done and breaking a paradigm is being a young man or woman and saying: I have a different idea, I think we can also do it this way, but we have to participate and we have to break paradigms, but always without breaking respect,» said Mauricio Trejo.

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